1 Mar 2011

Point Lowly to Port Lincoln

We had a wonderful time at Port Lowly.  Very friendly and generous neighbours (Queenslanders). They insisted that John and Mark borrow their dinghy to go crabbing and fishing.  Sandcrabs were on the menu for dinner for two nights.  The first night we had four to share, the second at least a dozen after giving some away.  Lucky Mark had leftover bait for dinner.  We had been told that steak and chicken both make excellent bait, but not for us obviously.  Later on someone else informed us that it’s illegal to use red meat as bait as it attracts the sharks.  We had days of weather in the high 30’s so it was great to be in a wonderful swimming spot.  When the wind started to increase we decided it was time to move on.
                                                                The crabs are that away~!
After leaving Point Lowly, we headed towards Point Gibbon as we had planned to stay there for the night.  However after travelling along dirt roads, and looking at the sites we decided to move on.  We chose a spot at Redbanks Beach just north of Arno Bay.  Once again the intrepid fishermen tried but did not succeed!  Unfortunately the boys also won at cards that afternoon.  How much bad luck can a girl have!

 The banks at Redbanks were red from iron oxide.  Unfortunately, they are also falling victim to erosion.
 This was our campsite for the night at Redbanks...you can't see we're up the top of a cliff.

The next day we enjoyed a leisurely drive towards Port Lincoln.  We stopped at Arno Bay, Port Neil and Tumby Bay.  We were disappointed that Port Neil didn’t have a bakery as we were all ready for a treat!  However Tumby Bay was fantastic....meat pies...sausage rolls....vanilla slice..mmmmm!  After weeks without a treat it was wonderful! It is a beautiful little town, with lots of craft shops.  After seeing many towns that are dying it was great to see that Tumby Bay is  thriving.  They are actually building new houses.  We have seen many communities where every second home is for sale, and country properties from which people have obviously just walked away. 
                                                  Building on the foreshore at Tumby Bay
                                                                   Tumby Bay
We arrived in Port Lincoln, and while the weather is still fine, the temperature has dropped from high 30’s to low 20’s in a day.  It has been blowing a gale, however the outlook over the gulf is still wonderful.  Mark & John are also a bit worried because they are now paying an extra $10 a carton for beer.  Perhaps we won’t be able to afford to go on further! 
                                           The view from our caravan park in Port Lincoln
                                                           Port Terminal, Port Lincoln


  1. That guy at the helm in the top photo seems to ring a bell. Charter boat? What charter boat.

  2. Mark , Michael Williamson letting you know I am enjoying your photos and blog. Wish I was there with you but someone has to keep QRNational going. Glad to hear you are having a good trip. Sorry to hear about the price of beer.

  3. Where has my post gone. Gee I am useless with the is new technology stuff

  4. OK I have figured it out, so to recomment. Guys, we are not getting the feedback we expect. Where is the witty reply to this very topical comment your followers are making. It just isn't good enough. Have your minds gone all afog now that you are "retired"? Are you sleepy all the time?

    By the way Jeff, couldn't agree more, "charter boat what charter boat". It's all fund until someone gets there eye put out hey.
