31 Jan 2011

Trip Minus 2 Weeks

The caravan is nearly ready - new tyres, sump hose holder, fishing rod holder, electrical connections checked, blown light bulbs replaced - now just waiting for Mark to finish work so we can start our exciting journey.
We have packed clothes for summer and winter,  cards and scrabble, laptop & e reader.... yes we even have the kitchen sink!
With John & Kathie Smail, who are our travelling buddies, we have checked our route and decided..... we'll head in a southerly direction first, then west, around the Eyre Peninsula, across the Nullarbor and after that we hope to follow the coastline from South West Western Australia to the Kimberleys.  We will have some inland forays to Kalgoorlie and Coolgardie, National Parks such as Karijini and the Kimberleys. 
We hope you enjoy following our journey through this blog.